Puppetry consolidates the diverse aspects of my art work, and giving me an active voice, a visibility, an identity. I believe that puppetry transcends culture and language, gets at the essential, our core, our humanity; it can bridge seemingly insurmountable gaps between people. Puppetry has the unique ability to mesmerize and allure an audience in a distinct way, even when the narrative of the story is unfamiliar. The puppet’s vitality makes it friendly and less threatening, and generates a safe playground for both the puppeteer and the audience in which to be more tolerant and open to that which is different, to the eerie, the weird and the odd. In that way, puppetry allows us to explore new, unfamiliar, even uncomfortable realms.

MAKEorBREAK is the story of a Wailing Mother who oversees the madness and horrors of war and gun culture. She is fed up with losing her children to gun violence inflicted by the everlasting Boneheaded Beast. Determined to stop him, she devises an unexpected strategy in pursuit of peace for one and all. Without spoken words, MakeorBreak’s lyricism is created by the combination of visual language, physical movement, body language, ephemeral puppetry, sound, song and music. All characters are inspired by Picasso's Gernica to express the outrage over our current history of ‘war’ at home and abroad, and the culture of guns and mass killings.
25 minutes. Wordless. No Intermission. All ages and children over 10.
Tech rider available upon request.

theLASTree is a lyrical, puppet show with two main characters: Mother Nature, who is the storyteller asking for help as she explains why she is worried of the human-caused climate crisis and her deforestation, pollution, plastic waste, and the suffering of her ecosystems. The other main character is an Old Tree who refuses to die. Even he is fed up with humans, he plea the urgency to stop the human-caused climate crisis. The 75% of paper, plastic, textiles, and wood used for this puppet show are made from recycled materials.
40 minutes. No Intermission. All ages.
Tech rider available upon request.

theLASTree Toy This toy version is a miniature lyrical, puppet show with two main characters: Mother Nature, who is the storyteller asking for help as she explains why she is worried of the human-caused climate crisis and her deforestation, pollution, plastic waste, and the suffering of her ecosystems. The other main character is an Old Tree who refuses to die. Even he is fed up with humans, he plea the urgency to stop the human-caused climate crisis. The 75% of paper, plastic, textiles, and wood used for this puppet show are made from recycled materials.The 90% of steel, paper, plastic, textiles, and wood used for this puppet show are made from recycled materials.
40 minutes. No Intermission. All ages.
Tech rider available upon request.

GIVE ME A HAND is an unforgettable trio of puppets Brrrt, Thrrr and Shhhhh (aa-nhu-maa-tuh-pee-uh/onomatopoeia names) in which audience members have the opportunity to interact and explore the other side of puppetry. This bilingual interactive performance invites people from the audience to be part of two or three puppet's sketches, as a puppeteer. That is, we ask audience members to come up on stage and ‘give’ his/her right hand or left and becomes the puppet's hand. Together we complete different tasks, such as magic tricks, drawing, cutting, blowing and twisting.
40 minutes. No Intermission. All ages.
Tech rider available upon request.

INCONGRUOUS is an unforgettable duo of puppets Brrrt and Thrrr (aa-nhu-maa-tuh-pee-uh/onomatopoeia names) in which audience members have the opportunity to interact and explore the other side of puppetry. This bilingual interactive performance invites people from the audience to be part of two or three puppet's sketches, as a puppeteer. That is, we ask audience members to come up on stage and ‘give’ his/her right hand or left and becomes the puppet's hand. Together we complete different tasks, such as magic tricks, drawing, cutting, blowing and twisting.
30 minutes. No Intermission. All ages.
Tech rider available upon request.

Quenamican (Nahuatl: The place where, somehow, life goes on) This show is an exploration of the visit of Pre-Hispanic underworld god Mictlantecutli visitin g the US to see why immigrants risk their lifes to cross the and that many have left behind but nonetheless that remain present in Mexican culture and worldview; and now here in the US. In addition, it deals with coming from Mexico to the US and the absence we leave behind. This is a one-man show performed in Nahuatl, Spanish and English.
15 minutes. No Intermission. All ages.
Tech rider available upon request.
30 minutes. No Intermission. All ages.
Tech rider available upon request.

Teteionan is based on a Mexican legend from Aztec mythology. It tells the story of Teteionan, the Mother Goddess of the Earth, who tells us how all living things, including humans, were created. After seeing this story you will understand why we like tortillas!
30 minutes. No Intermission. All ages.

PUPPETS FOR THEATRE PRODUCTIONS Since 2001 I have been involved in making puppets for diverse theater productions. Even the play do not call for puppets, my